Apr 25, 2011 19:05
[As sunset falls on the Gardens and the stars begin to appear in the sky, deep below the earth (or whatever it is), the Isle of Antikythera is unnaturally still--well, more still than usual, since the entire place is unnatural by its nature. Only when the sun vanishes in the world above does its life, such as it is, spring into action.
A seemingly endless stream of robots begins to walk or roll across the bridge between the two realms and clamber up the staircase. If either of these routes is blocked, they will dismantle the blockades or simply fly. Once in the Gardens, they pour out of the Viridian Pavilion and begin setting up shop across the land. Unfortunately, to do that, they have to tear down what's already there, and that they do. Trees are crushed by turning gears, flowers mown down, the more fragile buildings wrecked as the robots busy themselves with exploring and claiming their surroundings.
Just what are these robots like? It's hard to say--there are many kinds. Some buzz and whirr through the treetops, and others skitter through the undergrowth. None are much larger than a grown person, although some have weaponry that makes them more dangerous than one. Circuits and silicon are nowhere to be seen in these creations, but gears and levers are everywhere. All share one thing: they seem to be somehow aware. Look long enough, and you'll find some sort of face on even the least humanoid of the lot, watching you, trying to figure out what to do with you. The funny thing is, they're not exactly hostile. Destructive? Oh, yes. But they don't attack people unless attacked first.
Still, there are an awful lot of them, and they don't seem to understand that property damage is bad.]