2ed [action]

Apr 18, 2011 22:45

[Johanna had been wanting to play with the so called "Magic Dirt" for some time now, having heard of it from the various constructs others had created of the stuff. Now, having collected said substance through an ordeal that has left her with a few scratches and  more then enough annoyance for a single days work,  Johanna set to work bringing into ( Read more... )

reeve tuesti, gabrielle monsigny, johanna cabal

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Comments 15

aureation April 19 2011, 14:28:02 UTC
[It wasn't anything new for Gabrielle to curiously explore her surroundings. After all, a sniper's job is to know their surroundings during a battle and use that to their advantage, isn't it? The Gardens were larger than she expected and almost seemingly never ended (there were a few places here and there that seemed to veer off-she would have to visit those spots later).]

[But as she makes her way through another part, she can't help but notice the beautiful house that stood there. After seeing years of skyscrapers and cities, it is almost foreign to see a house like the one before her. Gabrielle wouldn't have said it herself, but the old-looking house reminds her much of her childhood home. A bit of nostalgia hits her as she admires Johanna's work.]

[Until her eyes drift down to the woman standing in front of it; Gabrielle calmly walks over, glancing up at the house once more.] Is this yours?


99soulstokeep April 20 2011, 02:12:07 UTC
[Johanna was quick to notice the girl standing not far from her position, and similarly presented a pleasant greeting of little substance.]

Yes, it is. It's actually a replica of my residence in my world. Not perfect, but it will do.


aureation April 20 2011, 18:29:48 UTC
It's beautiful... [She says it a bit breathlessly, but it's only for a moment. She crosses her arms and tilts her head.] You built it all on your own?


99soulstokeep April 21 2011, 01:51:33 UTC
Out of the magical dirt, yes. Most of the effort was in wresting the stuff from the damned animals that live around here.


urbanwonderland April 20 2011, 05:18:23 UTC
[Reeve's been making a habit of taking a daily walk on her own. Just to go someplace new everyday, to try to learn a little more about her surroundings and the women in them. An architect herself, she particularly enjoys seeing the sorts of things people build for themselves. Imagination unhindered by practicality.

Spotting the distinctive building, and it's equally distinctive owner, Reeve makes her way closer. Having taken it all in, she approaches the young woman-- who seems to be pleased with her creation, from what Reeve can tell.]

Lovely, isn't it. The way white paint tones differently during each hour of daylight. It's beautiful now-- I'll have to come by and have a look in the morning.
She smiles, hands in her pockets.
Is this a replica of your home? It's quite nice.


99soulstokeep April 21 2011, 01:52:48 UTC
That it is. I figured if I was to be stuck here for an extended period of time I may as well make myself at home.


urbanwonderland April 21 2011, 04:54:35 UTC
Yes, I felt the same way! I wasn't too thrilled with the idea of taking up residence in the "company housing", either. Not sure I care too much for the landlady-- though I suppose the freedom in question is illusory.

[She realizes she's going on. Which she tends to do. Also, that she doesn't know the woman's name. Or anything else about her. She smiles, extending her hand.]

So sorry, the name's Reeve. Reeve Tuesti. Have you been here very long?


99soulstokeep April 22 2011, 17:13:54 UTC
Oh yes, I'm Johanna Cabal and I'd say it's been about a month or so.


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