the dance || forward-dated to sunset

Apr 08, 2011 13:06

[At the stroke of last midnight, all the normal clothes in the Gardens disappeared mysteriously, replaced by glamorous formal wear from all cultures and eras--the vast majority of it gowns, but a small fraction men's wear. But that was only the beginning. Throughout the day, rustling has been heard in the undergrowth, mysterious creatures glimpsed in flashes. Now, as dusk settles upon the Gardens, a megaphone opens on the Vine, and the Damsel's voice emerges.]

I do so hope everyone's ready! You should all look very beautiful by now. Well, why don't you come by? Our new guides will show you the way to the Viridian Pavilion! We'll be waiting for you there.

[And that's when the creatures emerge.

Some look like cute little fawns, and they nip at your arms until you follow them obligingly. Others are squat little things that send out vines to ensnare you, then drag you away. Others are odd, leafy little bulbs, and they taunt you with storms of petals until you are too dazed to resist their guidance. But there are dozens more with many different ways of dragging you away... the Petal Dance.

And no, they cannot be caught in a Pokéball.]

*voice, *action, the damsel (npc), *vine

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