Apr 03, 2011 22:45

[ Video Λ Public ]

Attention, everyone! Got it? Good♥ Okay, with upcoming events, I am postponing my tournament. Of course~! This is good for all you new people. Come and have some fun, show off your strengths, bond through the words of your swords or however they say it in animé nowadays.

Of course! The prize is anything you can imagine, so. That's a pretty good incentive, huh?

[ With that done, Lambdadelta was onto the next order of business. She almost could not believe she was about to do this, but... anything to defeat Bern. Anything! ]

Now. For the ball...I would really like a date. A lady couldn't possibly show her face at something so fabulous without a companion, right? I do hope someone out there can CLICK with me so that we can have a good time♥

[ OoC: Anyone interested in tossing their character(s) into the tournament, please reply here! It's gonna be simple and laid back, so don't worry about anything intensive. ]

*video, lambdadelta, signum (magical girl lyrical nanoha), *vine

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