video; second strand

Apr 02, 2011 21:33

[The vines start recording without her noticing. She's sitting on a rock, gently sobbing. She's still getting used to things and she misses her mother. After the recent hope of going home being dashed, she's a little sad. Her tears slow and she wipes them with the back of her hand. She notices the mirror and smiles shakily.]

Oh, I guess it's recording, huh? [She lets out a little laugh.] I- It's nothing really. [She pulls on a piece of her hair nervously.] I guess I'm just a little homesick is all. I was hoping that maybe we could get the chance to go home. I like it here, I's a big change. [She lets out a sigh.]

minette danby, epsilon (pluto), hikari horaki, rapunzel (tangled), mahalia de luca-serna, *vine, *video, ellie linton

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