[action&video][backdated to a few days ago]

Mar 31, 2011 23:20

[So, here's Sol, fresh out of the Labyrinth. Physically, she looks perfectly fine. Her expression, on the other hand, is a mixture of distress and rage, and her hands at her sides are balled into fists and trembling. Clearly, she ran into something there that has left her more than a little shaken ( Read more... )

*video, epsilon (pluto), canada, sol badguy, *action, rose (street fighter), *vine

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[video] welljustwatchme April 1 2011, 15:44:17 UTC
[There's a blonde curled up using a bear as a pillow, as she has been since her own trip in the Labyrinth, watching you concernedly, stranger.]

Excuse me, I don't mean to pry, but... are you alright?


[video] dragoninstalled April 1 2011, 17:31:49 UTC
[No, she's not. But Sol has never been the type to admit to that, and especially not to strangers.]

Just fine.

[It's obvious that's a lie from the slight quiver in her voice, but that's the answer she'll be sticking with.]


[video] welljustwatchme April 1 2011, 17:49:50 UTC

Do you lke ice cream?


[video] dragoninstalled April 1 2011, 17:51:31 UTC

[That was not what she had been expecting at all.]


[video] welljustwatchme April 1 2011, 17:52:43 UTC
Ice cream. Do you like it? Or do you not have it where you came from?


[video] dragoninstalled April 1 2011, 17:59:11 UTC
[This is not what she had been expecting to such a degree that she is actually distracted from her emotional state. She sounds much calmer when she replies.]

...We have it. It's not bad, I guess.


[video] welljustwatchme April 1 2011, 18:06:06 UTC
[While Canada's plan had actually just been to figure out if she maybe had a new ice cream buddy, she realizes now that, hey, even the question was a good distraction!]

Oh, good. You look like the type who could use some right about now. Just one of those days, you know? I have this friend at home, Cuba, and whenever she looks like she wants to punch something we just haul out the ice cream and try to ignore the fact that everything sucks. It tends to work, if only for a little while.


[video] dragoninstalled April 1 2011, 18:30:42 UTC
[She rubs the back of her neck, feeling a little self-conscious. Deep down somewhere she appreciates the thought, but...]

...Not really a sweets person.


[video] welljustwatchme April 1 2011, 20:22:35 UTC

Not pudding, then, either.


[video] dragoninstalled April 1 2011, 20:29:09 UTC
[Actually, now that she thinks about it...]

Never been one for comfort food.

[She's always dealt with her frustration by doing something physical, like...well, hitting things.]


[video] welljustwatchme April 2 2011, 00:51:34 UTC
You should really try it. It works, if you let it.

Otherwise, I'd offer to spar with you, but... Recent events have made me even less into fighting than usual. [Which, considering she just worked her ass off a few years ago, in her timeline, to establish UN Peacekeeping? Is saying a lot. She generally detests fighting as it is.]


[video] dragoninstalled April 2 2011, 01:12:06 UTC
[Spar? Sol raises an eyebrow.]

You don't look like much of a fighter.


[video] welljustwatchme April 2 2011, 01:28:39 UTC
Yeah, that's the general assumption. And then the other Nations seem surprised when I kick their asses.

But that's more formal military. [Shrugs, burrowing a bit deeper in the fur of the bear she's cuddled against.] It's been a bit since I did much hand to hand, but I've rough-housed around enough in my day.


[video] dragoninstalled April 2 2011, 03:33:51 UTC
[The eyebrow goes higher. Well, considering her commander in the Holy Order was a 16-year-old boy, it's not necessarily surprising, but...]

You a military leader?


[video] welljustwatchme April 2 2011, 12:57:50 UTC
I'm a country. Though I did lead one campaign, against my sister, ages ago. And I hung around headquarters in the first World War a lot.


[video] dragoninstalled April 2 2011, 14:28:36 UTC
[For a few seconds, Sol just stares, her expression completely blank. And then, flatly:] A country.


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