twelve; video

Mar 19, 2011 11:44

Update, I still hate this place.

[She looks disgusted. Maybe a little nauseated.]

Seriously. I tripped on a dead cat this morning. Not like, normal dead, but like, "watch out, Jigsaw's on the loose," dead.

What the fuck, you guys?

kairi (kingdom hearts), mahalia de luca-serna, *vine, santana lopez, *video, utena tenjou, larry vincent, france, ellie linton

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video; mellifluently March 19 2011, 22:38:41 UTC
[Mahalia looks exhausted, and she's speaking very quietly.]

Where did you find her? Did you leave her there?


video; heretolookhot March 19 2011, 22:43:27 UTC
Yeah, I left her there, what was I supposed to do, walk around with it? I wouldn't know where to take her if I wanted to.

It was outside Larry's gun shop.


video; mellifluently March 19 2011, 22:52:33 UTC
[She nods.]

Thank you. I've been burying all the ones I can find. I'll go there now.


video; heretolookhot March 19 2011, 22:54:35 UTC
[So, she was nice to her when she started freaking out about Brittany, so...]

Need me to show you?


video; mellifluently March 19 2011, 23:01:06 UTC
[She hesitates, a little surprised, but then nods again.]

If that wouldn't be any trouble. I'm not entirely sure where the... gun shop is.


video; heretolookhot March 19 2011, 23:21:02 UTC
It's in the area of the Necessities. If I don't have to touch it, I'll give you a hand.


video -> action; mellifluently March 20 2011, 00:51:00 UTC
Alright. [A small, tired smile.] Thank you.

[She dips her head politely, then dismisses the mirror.

It takes her a short while to find the gun shop, but she does. Her skirts are a little dirty, and she has a small garden trough in one hand, a hastily gathered bunch of flowers in the other.]


action; heretolookhot March 20 2011, 00:52:46 UTC
Hey. It's out on the other side. [She turns, to start leading the way, but her head turns back.] What was your name, again?


action; mellifluently March 20 2011, 01:32:05 UTC
[She nods and follows.]

Mahalia. I heard...

[She thinks it's possibly rude, that she's heard Santana's name over the vine instead of being given it by the girl herself. But she's tired, and Santana isn't exactly stopping for a formal introduction anyway.]

You're Santana. It's good to meet you in person. Though I wish the circumstances were better.


action; heretolookhot March 20 2011, 01:45:09 UTC
[Santana actually likes that better, it means that she's being noticed.]

Considering how things normally are in Lesbian Fantasy Hell, it could be way worse.


action; mellifluently March 20 2011, 01:59:34 UTC
Everything else we could blame on the Queen, and the Gardens. This is one of the people here.

[Although maybe whoever it was was under the influence of something in the Gardens, Mahalia couldn't tell. And she realises, belatedly, that it probably isn't a good thing to discuss with Santana, considering how she'd reacted to Paderau's transformation. But she'd said it already.]


action; heretolookhot March 20 2011, 02:02:52 UTC
Awesome, more psychos.

[She won't bring up Paderau specifically, though, she's not really on her mind. Santana turns the corner around the building, and points to a spot near the wall.]

The cat's over there, I put an old blanket over it.


action; mellifluently March 20 2011, 04:05:08 UTC
[Clearly she'd missed the bullet on that one, so she doesn't say anything further on the matter, just nods again when Santana points her towards the cat's body. She goes over and kneels down beside it, checking beneath the blanket briefly and without any real reaction before wrapping it up in it and standing with it carefully. She turns back to Santana, a little uncertain of whether the other girl wants to help further.]

I need to find somewhere to bury her, away from here.

[A burial within the necessities didn't seem right. She'd taken all the others off the path a little.]


action; heretolookhot March 20 2011, 04:58:35 UTC
How far?


action; mellifluently March 20 2011, 21:39:20 UTC
Just... [She looks off into the greenery around them.] somewhere quieter.

[Another moment of hesitation.]

You don't have to come, if you'd rather not.


action; heretolookhot March 20 2011, 22:24:17 UTC
It's not like I have anything else to do around here.


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