♕ fourth sight.

Feb 28, 2011 17:55

[Galatea's...killed some very large game, it seems. It's currently roasting on a spit, and she is staring into the flames, her expression annoyed.]

We are given suspicious gifts, without being informed of the catch, attacked by said gifts, and then reprimanded for not taking care of them in the first place. There is something backwards about that.

Regardless of the plants or their...sacrifice, I still have no intent on following orders or taking any "gifts" from this mad Queen or her often absent and untrustworthy ilk. It sounds as if it is a very elaborate trap to force us to yield to her erratic moods and insanity. Where were they when we were attacked? Where are they now?

Remember this, always: This garden may be lovely. The gifts may be plentiful and appear harmless. But you are a prisoner, as surely as you would be were you chained and shackled. A gilded cage is still a cage.

*video, galatea (claymore), caprica-six, *vine

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