i. video.

Feb 17, 2011 14:28

[ as someone who isn't used to long-distance communication more complex than shouting really, really loudly, Reis is treating the mirror with some degree of scepticism. Feeling that she may well have gone insane, she's dealing with this in the most obvious way-by alternating between talking to herself and the cat next to her ]

Alright? Little Moggy here says I can talk to people through this thing. How's it work, then? Magic? [ she grabs the mirror by its edges, tapping the sides, and raps her knuckles against the front ] I don't reckon anyone's gonna be crushed up inside, but I've been wrong before.

It'd be ace if I could get an explanation, starting with what the deal with all this land is. Got places to be, mouths to feed, and-[ she pauses, glance at her feet, and stamps down hard a few times. All of the sudden, a rather trampled flower leaps up, latching onto her arm. Reis sighs as the cat scrams away, and punches the flower hard enough to knock it back; it doesn't seem to have done any damage to her ]

Oh, and this chap's been around for a while. Hungry little fella. Whoever's looking after your crops needs to take a time out or something, 'cause this ain't on.

*video, reis jones, paderau (original), *vine

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