"Old Moon Fades into the new, soon I know I'll be back with you, I'm nearly with you.."

May 04, 2005 23:51

Wow, I slept so long and hard...its just so crazy. I woke up about a hour ago, Mystery Man called and woke me up, he fell asleep too after he came from work.

I made Amends with two people I got into it with yesterday and today with the play thing I decided to work with the groups on what they needed prop wise or anything. I talked to Sturm about it and he agreed it was a smart decision. From this I will just learn someone needs to say who's the director and who's the actor, and who is just apart of the group to help the play go along.

So my day went well, I was smiling like a kid who got their braces off, for a certain reason of course :-D.

I had a dream about Fem Fatale and about my Dance Teachers...Hmm maybe I should be going to the studio sometime soon, something like that.

Mystery Man texted me today in school, it was cute. He couldn't help me out with Pre Calc though, he left school a little early due to having to work at 2:30. Since I won't be going back to sleep anytime soon I'm going to work on it and once I'm done I'm hitting the sheets.

Hmm nothing else really went on today, just review for Ap Government Tests, seeing who is skipping tomorrow. I so would if I didn't have Pre Calc 7th Hour, it sucks yea I know but tis ok. I was going to leave with Mystery Man but I have that test.

After a certain point intime I will reveil his actual name just for "certain" purposes I won't be.


This link is interesting because of it's basically a beauty Pagent for Fat girls, and no it's not here in Thailand. There was a Miss Jumbo Queen weighing in 242 and Miss Jumbo Universe 400 pounds..just take a look and see, it is quite interesting.

Can't wait until Saturday, but friday is work on my research paper, and sunday is the day to finish it. I'll go over it editing tomorrow and then continue from where I left off yesterday.

Sigh..time is going fast I only have 13 days left! I say less because next Tuesday and Wednesday I have AP Tests to I won't be in school. Tuesday is Ap Environmental and Wednesday is Ap Government, it shall be interesting. But hey trying to go to breakfast or lunch with people who are taking the test that day to do some unwinding, any takers?

After AP Tests it's the Play Production/Acting Play, Spring Fest, Oswalds, Senior Finals, Last Day, Rehearsal, Brunch, Cap & Gown Pick Up, Prom!, Cedar Point Trip, Graduation and then All Night Party. Going by very very fast, but I'm excited for what's to come. I know who I want to go to Cedar Point with, Mystery Man! Everyone who knows me knows I have a fear of heights and well riding rollercoasters are always out of the question, I rode one (The Corkscrew) when I went to Halloweekends, but that was it. I'm so worried that if I go, that Mystery Man will make me ride some things that I want to like the Millienum, I REFUSE! But other then that everything should be great, hope he's going if not I can convince him, I convinced him about going to prom, heh.

Ok I'm done for now I talked a lot and well I'm upset because I missed America's Next Top Model :(, damn my sleeping.
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