Jan 05, 2011 18:19
We got some really crappy news today. Aaron's new teacher said that Aaron is being terrible at school. He's being aggressive toward the other kids, going up to them and then telling them to 'go away'! He even wrote over some little girls writing with his own pencil. He's acting like a bully and I'm really bummed, guys. We've tried so hard to make him a polite child. It's hard to prepare him to deal with a bunch of kids his age when he's an only child, but we tried the best we could. None of the kids at school will play with him because he's mean.
I seriously cried. I don't want my child to be a bully. I'm worried we messed up. Maybe we let him see cartoons wtih fighting too early. I mean, we limit to things like Pokemon and the Iron Man cartoon, but maybe that's still way over his head. I don't know if that contributed.
I guess he was running around school pretending to shoot everyone with a pretend gun too. I know boys want to crash things and play guns and swords. But is he overly aggressive that way? We try to tell him that real guns are not okay, that crashing his trucks together is being mean to them, etc. Jim has let him watch Star Wars and Lord of the Rings while I was at work and I've let him watch Star Wars when I was home. I don't know if that was a contributing factor.
I mean, we don't fight at home. We aren't loud. But Jim does have patience issues and anger issues, and sometimes I think he is too controlling and too hard on Aaron for his age. He expects too much sometimes for his developmental age.
I know he's new to school and kids react badly to new environments. But like this?
I just hope between the teacher and us we can get him going in the right direction. We are going to make sure he doesn't watch anything with any hint of violence in it. Which includes my grandma's house where he is allowed to play games like Zelda and Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I've already talked with my grandma (on my mom's side) and asked her not to let him play those.
Am I overreacting? I dunno guys. I just feel I'm failing at being a parent and I want so bad to help Aaron grow into a decent human being.
Any advice from parents would be so appreciated. We are at a loss and wonder if there is something we are missing here. I don't want my child to be a bully. That's terrible.