Day 15

Aug 28, 2010 10:32

Day 15 - Your dreams, in great detail

My dreams... Well I suppose this question could go one of two ways so I'll answer both.

My dreams when I sleep are colorful and varied and sometimes don't make sense. I always dream and though I don't always remember, I can get bits and pieces. My mind is a crazy, fertile place.

For some reason lately I have been dreaming of Aaron getting hurt and I will sit up in bed gasping. I don't know why I am doing that now. I have never sat up in my dreams like that. I scared poor Jim this morning doing it.

My dreams for life... I want to publish a novel. Or two or three. I really want to sit down and work on something that I love and want to share. I just haven't found it yet. I don't know if it'll be my own or if I'll get together with Britt and work on books. I haven't figured that out yet. But this has been a dream of mine for so long.

I want Aaron to grow up and to be healthy and have a great self-esteem. To know he's loved and to know that he can always come to us and that he can do anything pretty much that he sets his mind to. Mostly I just want him to be happy in whatever he does.

I want for Jim and I to be together at 80, sitting on the front porch and drinking something good and talking about our lives.

I want for Jim to finish college and be happy in the job he finds. I really want him to find personal growth and happiness just as much as I want it for Aaron.

I want for myself to continue to work on me. I want to be less afraid of social situations and more sure of myself. I want to really lose weight and get healthy for me and my family.

It's funny because I don't dream of a bigger house or land. It's always been that wherever Jim and Aaron is, that's my home. I love the house we have right now and the land. I just hope to be able to continue to make it beautiful. To one day get new furniture and maybe bigger TV, lol!

I want for my family to be happy. I want my sisters to do what they love and to grow and live life to the fullest.

And most of all I just want us to stay together as a family and continue loving as we are.

30 days

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