(no subject)

Jun 14, 2010 03:06

Thanks for all the compliments on my house guys! We are really settling in well and I love it there. Especially when the weather finally decides to be nice.

What's going on in my life... More pain issues and the doctor hasn't given me anything that is helping yet. I thought maybe it would get better when the weather got warm but it hasn't. I'll have to go back to him again and try for something I can take off and on throughout the day. He gave me something I take once in the morning and it really doesn't even work. It's so frustrating. I wish I knew what I have. I think some kind of arthritis. But I'm also frustrated with the pain medication thing. I wish he would give me something that works.

Mood wise things have been pretty awesome. I'm so happy that my medications are working well for the time being.

I have applied for a dayshift on my floor and I'm excited. I'm ready to get off nights and transition to hopefully what will feel more normal and get my messed up body on a better track. I might actually be able to lose weight and not feel tired all the time.

It's a little crazy but I also applied for a full-time charge nurse position. I'm not even really sure I want it and I probably won't get it at all, but... I don't know. Something said I should go for it. Maybe it will be a good experience for me and lead into something else down the line. I keep saying I never want to be in management, but then again, who knows how I will feel five years or so from now.

I can't believe Aaron will be 4 next month. It's just crazy. We have to look into finding a pre-school for him. I really want him to go. It would be good for him and I know he'd love it. All those little kids to play with and it would teach him how to share better.

Wow tired. I wish it was closer to the time for going home.

Going to read through LJ posts now. Hope everyone has been doing good.

health, aaron, pain, life, work

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