Yo, BRIT! I just stumbled onto
sunjutsu and got all nostalgic. Okay, so I only wrote one post, but I'm so into Naruto right now. I would completely write on a Naruto community if someone would either revive one or make one... Hmm. I have a lot of free time to write. I just don't want to run the community.
Your Shika was especially awesome, if I recall. ^_^
And the fighting example... Oh, man, did it suck! I couldn't seem to come up with anything good...
And you're crazy. For taking so many characters! Then again, I'm one to talk. Once upon a time I'd have had so many I lost count...
I hope you get the disability! You've been dealing with these stupid faintings/dizziness forever now.
I may have to look for work with this one job agency that catered to people with mild disabilities. I'm fine the majority of the time, but when it happens, it happens. And realistically, no employer is going to keep me on while I'm on probation, if they see me fainting a few times. I'm going to look weak and like a liability to the company.
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