What you say?!

Sep 18, 2006 01:18

Mmm. Update. I've been a little lazy lately and haven't done one, or answered my LJ comments. But I'll start here and work my way up. Sleep just always becomes the priority when you work graveyard and I'm back to 4 on - 2 off.

You know you want to join this: onten_academy. It's hinacha's multi-fandom High School RP. I remember the craziness and suckiness of HS. This should be fun.

I talked to a few people that have had the Mirena IUD and they tell me all these symptoms go away in 6 weeks. In that case, my symptoms should be going away VERY soon. And if they don't, this thing is coming out at my September 25th appointment.

I have started exercising three times a week (okay, so this is my first week and I've only done one day so far). I'm totally going to get my flabby body into shape. Watch me! And be proud. Maybe some year I'll fit into my 120 lb jeans. Maybe. For now I'll embrace the 145 lb - 150 lb me and try not to hate my jiggly belly so much.

Tonight I feel very strange and silly, as I'm sure my post reflects. Maybe it was the two Redbulls I downed. Or the fact that I'm very sleepy. Or both. Or maybe I'm just a freak. Who knows.

But right now I need to go study. I'm going to make an appointment to take my RN boards six weeks from now. And I'm going to pass this time, dammit. Then I can go back to the hospital and have a day shift job so I can see my Aaron and my Jim more.

Send me good vibes, please! I could use all the sweet, sweet karma I can get.

iud, rn boards, pimpage, exercise, weight, work

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