May 05, 2006 20:51
Two parties to go to tonight, but waiting for the call about them. I'm completely bored (hence the title), so I'm writing in my LJ! It's always the case! So, 1 1/2 finals down (English Lit and Improv), 2 to go (Chemical Engineering and Physics). I'm not really too worried about either, so it should all work out. Studying tomorrow and Sunday like a fiend, but tonight, I'm going out! If all else fails, I could always go see a movie with another friend. Anyway, my life's boring enough...I was going to write a list, but I can't think of any good topics at the moment...hum....I'm a bit distracted. This is a really lame entry. Oh, well. I'll post it anyway! Yay! 5 days left!! Maybe a list will come to me later! Ok. Right. The end for now?
-Stay Tuned