How to explain this? Okay, so take all your character journals and list 'em. Then explain why you picked that LJ name for them/story behind the LJ name/etc. etc.
legendarytamer - Ryo: For those of you who haven't seen Tamers, Ryo is known as the Legendary Tamer in that universe because he won pretty much every card tournament there was and then promptly went missing. And hey, he's hot shit, he had the partner with the highest default level (Mono usually goes around as Cyberdramon, perfect level) and he survived in a particularly savage digital world on his own for, off the top of my head, ten months.
queenofcrystal - Molly: Molly stars in a movie called Lord of the "Unknown" Tower in Japan, where she covers her town in crystal. The Lord of the title is Entei, who acts as a father figure for Molly, but with the sacrifice of Entei, that leaves Molly...but "queen of crystal" sounded better than "lady of crystal". x_x
stonetownsquire - Mikey: Mikey comes from Stone Town. In the manga, his brothers are part of an organization called the Knights of the Evolution Stone, and he wanted to join too. What's below knight? A squire.
goldengirlshar - Sharpay: I actually wanted "goldenthroat", as it's her code name in HSM2 (Ryan's was, I believe, Jazz Square), but that was taken. "goldenthroatshar" was too long, but
goldengirlshar was not. Shar is at least Ryan's nickname for her (funny story, actually: the production I was in, the guy playing Ryan made a reference to 'Sharps' and after a moment the entire cast and the director burst out laughing) in canon, and she really is a bit of a golden girl.
onlensreflex - Ash: Ash's obsession is SLR photography. SLR = Single Lens Reflex, so I took the phrase
"on reflex" and threw "lens" into it. (As a point of interest, his username at
digilife is
turntoash as a really terrible Pokemon 2000 reference - "and thus the earth shall turn to Ash" - and as a reference to darkroom photography. This is essentially burning paper, and what happens when you burn things? They turn to ash.)
Reserved -
reignxfall - Osamu: Osamu means "reign", so here is an awful pun on "rainfall". Also, he died, so he fell, literally and figuratively.