Feb 02, 2012 06:28
I really can't wait until I get back into a routine again. This impatient wait to move and get re-settled keeps me... unsettled. (See what I did there?) THEN maybe I can beginning writing more. Joel and I were discussing how we really don't have any private space to call our own and "muse" with our chosen talents. He has this huge, fantastic desk he uses and can turn around and make a little "corner office" when we move into our new apartment. Hell, he could have done it at this place, but we haven't been without a roommate for over a year now so trying to manuver things to make ourselves and the new addition happy is hard. >.< BUT! Bill has made it clear he intends to spend most of his time in his room, so -shrugs- that means we'll more than likely be able to do with the living room as we wish. So, Joel should be able to have his corner space all to his self. :)
But to backtrack a little bit:
Friday: was the funeral. Beautiful service. Got to meet a lot of Joel's old friends. (And made a few new ones.) Spent most of the day in Hartselle for the funeral, service, and service at the gravesite. Then that afternoon we met at Nancy's for a gathering of those same friends from before... got really, really drunk. Or at least, I did. :) I was quiet for most of the gathering, just listening to stories from others and absorbing the atmosphere. Plus, it was the first time I'd drank since I broke my leg in August, so I was also keeping still so I didn't hurt myself.
Saturday - today: Work, work and more work. Nothing exciting here. Just bitched to my GM about other co-workers not doing their jobs. Played my game and read my books.
OH! Speaking of books. I finished the Victoria Holt book I was reading before (The Road to Paradise Island), started another (Kirkland Revels 8/50) and finished it within a day. At this point, I've run out of Victoria Holt books to read, so I moved on a Steampunk novel I'd been saving for a while and fell in love with it. Loved it so much that I forewent playing WoW night before last to read. The book is called Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare and I started and finished it in 24 hours. Fantastic! I definitely recommend it!
Current book: Farnham's Freehold by Robert Heinlein (10/50) -- Joel says I'm 5 weeks ahead of schedule. :)
As for WoW? Just been finishing up Lunar Festival stuff on my Stormrage toons. Nothing really to report there. Did LFR with Joel yesterday, but didn't get anything. His shammy did, though, so that was nice. AND did some BGs with him waiting for the server to restart. I did well, surprisingly.