Jun 11, 2007 01:32
I've finally decided what it is that I like about 4-H. It came to me, very lucidly, definite. 4-H exists as a youth organization, and with that title comes the need for members. Members are recruited from schools, other youth organizations, etc. But! the focus is not to HAVE members; instead, it is to be the best thing it can be FOR its members. And that includes not pushing or telling, it means changing with different people and needs, and it means being a platform for something bigger and better (read: new and different), with no concrete knowledge of the next step in the path. It means embracing current thought and never accepting it as the answer. All of a sudden it reminds me of Ishmael, when the reader is exposed to the idea that humankind cannot be the pinnacle of evolutionary history, and to assume the opposite is to assume the task of destroying the world so that it cannot be untrue. 4-H is never a destination, not something you have to work toward. It makes no promises and it tells you the only certainty you have is yourself and the love you choose to give to people and things. And still -- might this only be my interpretation of it? I just realized that none of these things are written down, because 4-H has no lengthy doctrine I'm aware of. I've oftentimes referred to 4-H as my religion, and I can't deny the religious comparisons I seem to have made in my thinking here. But, are you addressing them further? Maybe later. I guess that was it.
All I had to do was tell my grandmother I'm getting a tatoo and buying a motorcycle and now she's letting me borrow her car for three weeks. The world works in mysterious ways!
To remember: Mad is not the right word. Frustrated? Yeaaaah. I was frustrated to be having that conversation in the middle of a family gathering. Frustrated that you constantly have to be the victim, by martyr or by pissing everyone off so they'll do it for you. Just stop.