
Aug 22, 2006 21:18

I just got back from a 4-H "cookout" at Brent Clark's house. Yeah right. Those sneaks (on a plane)just wanted to get me in the car so they could tell me I'd been executively voted in as a replacement social committee co-chair because Shay McNeil graciously resigned. The good thing is that Ross is the other co-chair; the bad thing is that I have to do stuff. But it's social and I'm pretty good at coming up with ideas for fun. I think we might have a 4-H badminton intramural team (not my idea...)! Also, I talked to sarah pg about calculus woes and she TADA! works in the math learning center and said that i can go there or just call her and meet her somewhere. B/t my roommate, sarah and jenn stains I think I can make it through. I'd like to get A's in everything, but scratching that as an almost certain UNpossibility for calculus, I'm hoping B-. It's just a relief to know that people are willing to help a 4-Her in need.

Speaking of 4-Hers being generous - zach and i went to panera today for lunch (which was a bad idea in hingsight...) and i ran into my friend joey wright who was a VCA at tricounty a couple years ago. He gave zach and I discout prices, a 10% discount, free cups and free coupons. Yeah. AND i didn't even need to tell him my name. this girl's got connections.

So college is pretty good. I have to walk up lots and lots of steps, but my legs could use it. I haven't played sports or exercised in a pretty substantial amount of time... I could do without the muscles quaking, however. My classes (except calc) seem manageable and I like my english professor.
she's kooky. she says "I appreciate" and "indeed" more than I say "yeah?" and " it was totally ridiculous!" I also found myself unconciously repeating the 'good luck and may the force be with you' routine after she said something with the word "luck" in it. I don't know if that's a good sign, but I'll hope for the best.

My roommate and I are a good match. She's VERY organized, not anal or anything, just particular. She keeps me on top of my homework because we're in 3/4 of the same classes. and my competitive edge isn't really dulled in subjects I know nothing about, so i still want to beat her. We have a nice room, other than being hot and not well lit. She's sort of "target" while I'm "garage sale", but it still looks nice. Bobby D and Johnny C. watch over me while i sleep. My spider plant sits on top of my books; I'm pretty sure it's learning about dark caves, magical castles and small towns in new hampshire through osmosis.

I hope everyone is on the path to happiness and learning wherever they are.

Much love to all.
Try, and I'll try too.

Oh! Funny things I've heard thus far:

"How did that frat house get up so far on the hill?"
Talking about frat row on high st.

"Are those PEOPLE?!"
talking about...people

Can't I just sleep here?
talking about a parking lot bumper

That girl needs to eat a sandwich.
In the midst of drug-induced babble about how I'm a good leader, as a skiiiiinnny girl walks past.

Emma B.
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