Fuckin' A

Mar 13, 2007 03:07

I am so fuzzy headed from pain killers I don't know hwo to tell this story.

I was at work, and there was a new girl working in the kitchen withme and this little mexican girl named Margarita. Well, Margarita knows the kitchen and the routine perfectly. She's never underfoot and is a pretty good cook in her own right. The new girl Cindy Lou, I shit you not her name is Cindy fucking Lou, is however the worst. She's this wide load fat ass clumbsy rude arrogant bitch who has hygene problems. She's not dirty but she smells like a pucket of ass.

Earlier Fatty Lou had dumped half a can of cherry pie filling over my white chef jacket. Of course, being nuts, I yanked it off and ran to the sink to clean it.
I'm running it under hot water to clean the thing before it stains when i hear Margarita yelp. Fatty Lou has stepped on her foot.

Fatty says something about clumbsy mexicans and as she's backing up from Margarita her wide ass bumps into a cooling rack sending a pie sliding off in slow motion. Margarita gasped and squeaked out a cry of regret.

What does fatty do? She grabs the pie with her bare hands, burning hot tin and all.

Instead of dropping it she screams "DAMN! Fuck!" loud enough the family outside, our boss, his daughter, and the cop getting some coffee all heard her; and flings the hot pie, molten contents included, through the air. Margarita almost got her face melted off. Fatty then rushes over and hauls me away from the sink to shove her burnt piggy hoof under the water, the scalding hot water.

I'm in shock and then the pain registers in my shoulder. That dumb bitch had shoved me back against one of the OVENS. No jacket on ment my bare skin was pressed tothe glass window of one of the ovens. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. Margarita yanked me off it leaving some skin behind and yelled for help.

I got taken to the emergency room along with Fattie Lou and Margarita. Margarita had a broken toe from when Fatty stomped her foot. I had a 2nd degree burn on my shoulder about the size of my palm. Fatty Lou had a milk 1st degree burn and some minor scalding.

What the Fuck.

Good news is they gave me pain killers and the boss felt so bad for lil old me I got some time off. Paid time off. So, yeah. I hope that fat bitch got fired. If not this job is going to start sucking ass.
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