Oct 12, 2005 17:12
well, my worst nightmare has occurred. although it will proly make some people pretty happy :P i guess i can't have caffeine for a little while, cuz apparently it's making my heart skip beats pretty regularly. no more coffee for me for a while :( not even decaff, cuz decaff... isn't really... decaff. yeah i thought i was gonna die or something :P i can still feel it, but it's much less often now. apparently it will go away pretty soon, but for now it feels like tightening in my chest, and then release, and i can actually feel the skip if i check my pulse. maggie proly knows what i'm talkin about :P or KNEW, cuz she's all better now :D
on a happy happy note, i had my first lecture today (and my first lecture of the week cuz i'm naughty :P) with my new glassies!! it was awesome, i could see EVERYTHING on the presentations. i realize now that people with glasses have it pretty good, cuz they can actually see better than most people without glasses.