dickie_nixonwith not even close to half of my Buffalo pictures.
It was crazy amazing.
i love downtown Buffalo..
abandoned buildings, graffiti and a camera.
Mm, ♥.
We got kicked out of one building..
photographer's dreeeaam.
i was so angry.
There was a room that reminded me of Saw, and i got the creeps just thinking about being in there.
Talk about yuck-fest.
my card filled up far too quickly,
PLUS my batteries died.
How is that fair?
On top of that,
some creepy ganster boy decided to sit next to me at McDonald's
and tell us his gangster life story,
obstructing my perfect view
of three sweet old men who did nothing but sit and stare at the floor,
occasionally stirring their coffee
that would have made the most beautiful black and white.
Well, what are you gonna do, right?
Matthew makes his darling way home tomorrow.
Longest two weeks of ever.
Mm, off to bed.