Strings like antennae activated when touched. Hoping to pick up a melodic signal, transmit some rhythmic inspiration; write a half-decent idea that isn’t total unabashed plagiarism. Three-chord morse-code. False alarms in 4/4 time. Truth in G major. There’s something so honest about an acoustic guitar. All the loud amplifiers, dirty distortion, rambunctious drums and impossible drummers are just accessories. Beside the point; garish and distracting like a girl with too much makeup and too little to say or sunglasses indoors. Hand a punk an acoustic guitar. I bet the song stands up on it’s own. Like finding a seemingly worthless dusty old trinket forgotten in the back room of a thrift store. You can keep it like a secret, or polish it up and sell it. Unheard music. Accidental beauty. 1-2-3-4…
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