Week 1 done

Aug 03, 2012 22:21

Huge accomplishment for me, but I will be doing it once again next week. I technically didn't get in day 2. The treadmill was busted and it was way too humid for me to attempt to run outside- so I did 15 minutes on the elliptical instead. So I will re-do week 1 next week so I can get in all three days, but the fact that I got through at least 2 of the 3 days of C25K's training is saying a LOT for me. Plus I got through half the workout before my body started telling me it didn't like what I was doing, so muscle memory kicked in a lot faster than I thought. I can see why you can increase after the first week. However, I am still going to take week 1 again, then move to week 2. But I may not need to re-do any other weeks. Still going to take it a week at a time though so I don't injure myself or get discouraged.

Tuesday I did my Ballet Body DVD. Only did half of it, but it's better than nothing. I took yesterday off only because it was one of those days where I would have more than likely injured myself due to distraction.

I have to admit that I am kinda hoping that with the training, and I can lose half of my goal weight loss. If I don't, I'm not going to sweat it. I'll just keep working away, but I am hopeful. masteralida thinks I can do at least that. Since she had a co-worker that began running and eating right for her wedding and lost almost as much as I want to lose total in the same amount of time, it's possible. But we'll see how things go. I am taking it a week at a time right now.

c25k, weight loss, exercise

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