Who knew I could have political outrage?

Mar 21, 2012 10:52

I am, by no means, a political person. To be perfectly blunt, I hate politics and have never voted. Despite what ALL claims, my one measely vote really is not going to make a difference. Do I show outrage over asinine shit? You betcha! It's my given right as a US citizen. And before people cry outrage themselves that I bitch, but do nothing to try and change- let me point you to the line where I say my ONE vote is not going to make a difference. Not when votes are handled how they are with the electoral college. If every single vote was counted and my vote could sway one way or another, maybe then I'd give two shits in the grand scheme of it all.

However, the latest asshattery that is being pulled regarding birth control, abortions, gay marriages, the intent to pull the plug on Planned Parenthood, and lawmakers actually thinking they have a say in what happens to MY body under any given circumstance?

Yeah- Fuck. You. Fuck you six ways to Sunday even. I have to vote or be registered because I'm a notary public in PA. But now I feel the *need* to vote in our next Presidential election just in the hopes of keeping the assholes out of office that want to revert us back 100 years where women had NO rights as citizens and want to deny, very legal, rights to gay couples simply because they love those of their own gender.

Until politicians can keep their own marriages working, not be adulterous, or keep from having their own scandals, I really don't think they have a right to comment on other, stable, relationships simply because that relationship may be between two men or two women. And since most said politicians do not have female bits, they can stay right the fuck out of any decisions regarding what a woman can and can not do with their body. I bet they wouldn't want women dictating what they can and can not do with those little blue pills I am sure they are fond of.
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