if you let me stay over...I'll try to keep you safe....

Dec 28, 2005 10:01

Wowwy wow wow wow. LOL. What a week so far, yesterday at work, there was all kinds of drama because our silly forgetfull boss forgot to schedule someone to close ( since steph was off) so at like 3, she's sending all theses Emails, freaking out putting it between either me or Amanda, I had to take Grandma to the airport and Amanda had plans with her parents and Brother. It sucked! I have no clue who ended up staying but damn, it's not like it OUR fault she was unprepared, yeah if I'd had know she needed someone like a few days ago I'd have been like " No Mom, I have to work, YOU take Grandma" But know I already volunteered. So you see boys and girls, it is always good to prepare ahead. (applause).

Hmmm what else to write about.... well my best chilhood friend down in Ft Myers had a baby with her boyfriend. It's a boy...named Dominick. ( I dont like that name). She sent pics (Uber cute)! So maybe Brian and I will take another spring break down there this year :). Hey guys do this:


Im hungry, me and Manda are eting Krystals today...mmmmm...
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