Henry's been sick so we've "wasted" $68 by him missing 4 days of school. It's difficult not to think of it in those terms, and it might be peanuts to some of you, but it makes me cringe.
He's doing better so he'll be back tomorrow. Andrew's mom called today to say they've been missing Henry (he sits next to Andrew) and wanted to check on him. I thought that was so cool. So unlike The Church Which Will Not Be Named.
Mondays really suck. Nothing good on tv. All week long we wait for Lost and Alias. I'm trying to decide whether I'll hate this season (of Alias) or not. I knew what was coming because, try as I might, I cannot avoid the spoilers (and I will not mention it now just in case you TIVOd it and haven't watched), but it was still a shocker. I don't think everything is how it seems, and Jake doesn't wholeheartedly agree, but I know JJ. He has something up his sleeve. He won't let us down like he did with Season 3. *snort*
Just talked to Marm and they're coming out next week. They're supposedly buying like 518694 acres somewhere in Arkansas. I'll believe it when I see it. Terrible that I don't "trust" my mom but she's been talking about moving for years. I don't necessarily care whether they live anywhere close to us or not. I'm "afeared" she'll just bring her drama with her and I won't be far enough away not to get tangled in it.
I'm getting so geared up for Halloween. Henry's going to be
Anakin and I hope to have the house fixed up by then. It'll be spooktacular. {groan}
Off to fix spaghetti for supper. Neither of us (nor Henry, the vegetarian) usually like it much but it's better with good sauce, so we've been going that route lately.
Interesting how something good can come out of something you think of as crappy.