Aug 04, 2004 20:06
Ladies and gentle man of the Queens court:
You have benn waiting for an entry... any entry from me, and here it is. My comentary on the world on which i live. And as you read you will begin to understand why I dont need tv to have dramas.
Jerry and I recently celebrated our first year of marriage- what a weird year its been. But i also recognize its bound to be the most mundane of the ones to come. Its been a good year and a lot has been learned. May we move on from here.
In sickeness and Health and inspite of all the weirdos that come with the deal.
Drama of the Bridesmaids:
The following is a "brief"( in quotes b/c I know im long winded) explanation of where all my brides maids are a year later from my wedding.
Chrissy: bridesmaid known since sixth gfrade, and the one that caught the boquet.
Chrissy has informed m e that she is getting Married “by the end of summer” but other than that no other decision has been concreted. Wait, that’s a mistake the groom, and the fact that I’m her maid of honor. It is unclear whether it will be here or in North Carolina, who the other bridesmaids are, the date, location, reception, flowers etc.
All of this is rather sudden too. Last I heard she was going to be marrying a guy she’s known since she was 15, he’s in the military and they had never dated, but always been good friends. Now the groom is Joshua, a landscaper she’s known for a couple of months, but “when you know you know” I guess I can’t argue with that. I wrote a statement a week after I started dating Jerry that he would be the one I was going to marry…and I did. I just pray that this is the one for her, she’s been hurt enough. At the same time its quite sad, because a while back Chrissy was living with April and Mike and well I don’t know what happened in that house there’s five stories of what did or did not happen the only true summary is that there was a lot of miscommunication, a lack of communication and too much stress in one house which equaled a double portion of confusion, hurt and anger. Chrissy and April have been friends forever, and it’s a horrible thing to see what ever happened there, to tear that apart, but there is a lot of healing to do. (Hmmm. isn’t that a grand understatement.)
Chrissy states that shes also trying to buy 18 acres of land of an old man for $10,000. He apparently stated if shes unable to do it before he dies, he’s going to leave it to her in his will. I wish here luck with that.
She is also to start her state job around july 13th. I wish her luck with that as well.
IN early June i went to baltimore area to catch up with her and meet her husband to be.Well Im scared.
Hes a nice guy , 21 looks 15. Appears to be a hard worker, does carpentry and landscapping . But apparenlty he's also schizophrenic and instead of seeing a therapist/psychologist and taking prescribed medications- he smokes weed. I know to many of you smoking the weed aint a thing- but it is too me especially when mixed with a serious mental illness. Chrissy's only k n ow him since a couple days before april 20th of 2004 im not sure she fully recognizes what her life will be like if his schizophrenia worsens. They've settled on getting married on their anniversary APRIL 20 (420)2005. But since early june i haven't heard anything out of her.
APRIL: bridesmaid kn own since 2nd grade, mother of 2 1/2 of my godchildren Jospeh, mikey and their step brother John(he's the half- incase you were wondering.
Aprils wedding, is forever being postponed. She was originally supposed to get married in July 2002, but she got pregnant with Mikey jr. and postponed the wedding. Then it was the following April 2003, then the following April 2004… and now they are just going to do some marriage counseling for a while, they aren’t setting a date yet. Hmmmm. Currently she and the boys are with Ms. Peggy and Grandma, and mike is with his step father. However in the past week April has been at mike and Ricks because her mother and she are having a fight. Something about Ms Peggy enrolled Joseph in a summer school program after April told her not to because they were going to be taking a lot of family outings since John was in town for the month of july. Then when Peggy called to pick him up and April said no, she laid on a guilt trip about how April had never told her, and that April was breaking her grandmothers heart by doing this and that and she and mike were unfit to raise Joseph and that April should turn over custody to her (ms Peggy) Like I said, I don’t need TV to get drama.
Also, currently Mike’s boss is looking to buy property and then let mike and April move in on a rent-to-own basis, and they can remodel blah, blah, blah to their hearts content. Or at least that’s what April is telling me. Again, supposedly in the next week or two they are going to move in, apparently on high street, I’m assuming in Hanover.
Any way has mentioned getting married in November 2004-yrah right I love her dearly but i know its not going to happen.
Dawn:Maid of honor, known since 10th grade, and most often the most sane one in the group (and yes thats including myself)
Poor child. Dawn has been with Jim for 11 years, granted she’s only 25 (you do the math.) and is having a dickens of a time getting it to be official. Lately Jim has been saying that he does want to get married this year, however there is a lot of bills etc he would like to payoff first. (and there are a lot of bills) He also wants to take a cruise to and from St. Thomas, and stay there for a couple of days which is a very expensive trip.
Interesting enough dawn’s already got her dress, but Jim doesn’t know it yet- its even in their apartment.
In te past several weeks dwn and Jim have been looking at different houseds, but nothing is ever settled on. It kinda works like" i l ike it, Do you like it?" "Yeah i like it, but what about this completely different style of (house, car etc)
Elisse, bridesmaid known since 10th grade,
Elisse is recently returned from Egypt with Nina from meeting "daddy Warbucks" (Joe Hylton). Then shes going to come home, go to school for a little bit, graduate in septemtber and then hang out for a couple of months, then goto Bangladesh for 6 weeks for the Filming of the movie, “You of Many Days” for which she has been completing the dtory boards for as her internship. She is being told that she is getting first assistant director and story board artist for the credits of the movie. She truly is a big league Jew. ON the man fron as it has been since her ninth grade year (cause thats when i met her) its" Im never getting married." Sorry love i dont beleive it, no matter how earnestly you do. I know theres some one out there for you and he will be perfect( or quarky as the case may be) but he will suit your needs just fine. And i will be there to drag you down the aisle :)
Serena- known since 11th grade, most "eclectic"
Serena has disappeared off the face of the planet with her boyfriend bob. Not returening phone calls or anything. And I pray that it is because she is too blissfully happy and not trapped in some back woods basemens tmuttering things like "i gotta get back for laundry do laundry>"
Emily known since 2003 from church
Emily is ever hopefull that her beloved taylor is a marrying' man. Dreaming of taking a cruise to Alsaska. Getting married on the crusie and having a honeymoon there.
However I've never seen Taylor talk about marriage him as a "marrying man". I wish her luck. Most of the time though she seems unhappy to be with taylor, falling under the thought in my mind of easier to stay put than to leave.But recently shes been happier we'll see in the long run what happens- hold onto your popcorn boys and girls.
Meanwhile wehave so manyweddings to go to this year.
James Shields & Samantha (september 04) Jessica Dorsey(october04), Amanda R. ,NIck Sowers & Jill Prichett (may 05)
Adam & Jenny (may 05), josh & Suzy (Aug 05)< tony & Bethany (May 05), Jason & AJ (Oct.), Katie & Steeve, Karen & Ryan (both in may)
blessed be the wedding bells for they will soon be cracked.