Aug 29, 2008 11:53
John McCain picks a woman as VP.
She has only been govenor of Alaska
for less than two years.
She is 44 years old.
My opionion is this:
As a sensible feminsty type
I applaud anytime women make
strides in a predominantly male arena.
That being said, I don't think that means
that I have to agree or support their efforts
based soley on their sex.
Fuck John McCain for this cheap politically
motivated choice.
He doesn't give a shit about the forward momentum
of the female race. He has made this choice
sheerly to court Hilary democrats.
In what should be a commendable choice
he has chosen someone with virtually no credentials
based soley on the fact that she is female.
What about making Madeleine Albright your VP.
Now that would be fucking cool.
This really burns me.
Its so transparent.
This country's politics have gotten crazy.
Where are we headed and when the storm comes
who REALLY will captain the ship?
Isn't it time that "We The People" means just that?