[Mummy Stewart!Email] There's a reason she shouldn't be allowed the internet...

Dec 01, 2010 21:54

To: Rory (queenlymacbeth@lolcracy.co.uk), Arthur (godsavemy@lolcracy.co.uk), Peter (longlivesealand@lolcracy.co.uk), Dewi (not_whales@lolcracy.co.uk), Conner (4leaf_charmed@lolcracy.co.ie), John Paul (pride_of_kiwi@lolcracy.co.nz), Rhema (remylee@lolcracy.co.vg) & Johanna (dj_kwaito@lolcracy.co.za)
From: Anne (motherstewart@lolcracy.co.uk)
Subject: SNOW (and other things) + Attachments

Oh you'd love to be in Glasgow the now...well maybe not Johanna, might be a bit too cold for you. Or Paul John, I don't know what it's like in New Zealand I'm sure that's where Rory said you were from Lots of snow, still snowing actually. Of course, it was fascinating to the press till it got close to London, now it seems to be a panic, as always. Granted, it hasn't been easy getting to work, trains and buses are rather unpredictable at the moment, but I am persevering regardless.

If I can make it to work in these sorts of conditions then there is no reason for any of you to fail to make it to work or university when the snow hits Liberty.

Especially you Peter, you need to work your hardest so you can get the best results in your degree and job so that poor Raivis doesn't put to much pressure on himself. Would you like some Twinings over? I don't know if they sell it in America. Also, are you planning on spending Christmas here, with your husband of course?

Arthur, have you any plans for a book being released for Christmas? I haven't noticed any of your works in Waterstones though it was always easier to find them in Borders, shamed they've closed. Have you gotten any use out of that subscription I got you for your birthday and do you need any more Twinings?

Dewi, I want to wish you congratulation in advance of the play you have organized, I'm sure it will be a success and are you sure you're not?. And how is Reginald...or what breed is he/she now? I take it whatever Twinings I get for Arthur will do you too.
Conner, you better not be drinking while on shift. Would you possibly like some Twinings when not on the alcohol?

I hope you're wrapping up warm Johanna, it must be getting pretty cold for you now. Take from Rory's wardrobe if you have to and tell that I gave you permission if she complains about it. Do you need any knew records for your DJ-ing? There's quite a few in some of the charity shops the now. Also, would you like some Twinings?

Paul John, Rory said you're some sort of freelance art...thing. Is that all you do? Considering how things are in the world the now, have you considered something a bit more...steady on a part time basis? Peter will be looking up to you now and it would be good to show him that you always have a back up plan when the freelancing is thin. How about some Twinings while you think it over?

Rhema...Rory hasn't actually told me a lot about you beyond that you're another sibling. Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself, the flavour of Twinings you'd like to try for example.

Rory...I'll send you some Mulled Spice Twinings as well as the usual Blackberry and Nettle one, okay?

I hope you are all doing well and enjoy the pictures.

Anne Stewart.

Attachment - 5 Photos

'The Greens' though 'The Whites' maybe more appropriate the now...

Lenzie Station

The Marina in Kirkintiloch for the Forth and Clyde canal...

I'd say at least three inches of snow on top of the ice (thankfully we haven't had any idiots try to walk on it yet)


!email, queen mum, mother....

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