[Action/Text] When your head's against a pillow, no one can head you scream...

Nov 08, 2010 18:34

She might of not cried in her dream but she sure had in reality she discovered when she woke with a start as a feather managed to make it's way through the fabric of her pillow and then into her mouth. That was what initially surprised her, the fact that her face had even been against the pillow. She had always been one for having the back of her head there. Rubbing at her face, her tears, she tried to block what her dream insisted had happened but couldn't.

She just made it to the bathroom in time before vomiting the little she had eaten recently. She doesn't notice the tears stains running down her cheeks or the bags under her eyes as she looks in the mirror between washing her face. Before trying to go back to sleep she sends a text to Peter, small and sweet but lifts a weight off her shoulder anyway thanks to her dream...


To: Peter
Sent: ????

I'm sorry.


It doesn't last long and this time she wakes screaming weakly against her pillow, covers trapped within her arms, like it's another person rather and fabric and feathers. Weak...that's how she feels, fucking weak. She hated it.

Arthur's words rang in her head, his d-

She didn't know how she made it to the bathroom but she had. It took her longer to recover, longer to wash her face, longer for her to sneak back into her room she was yet to wake Eirn with her problems but still..., her text to Arthur was far longer than the one to Peter and it did little more to comfort her. Only once it was conform it had been sent did she go back to her restless sleep, continuing to cling to her covers like it was someone else.


To: Arthur
Sent: ????

If you even think about dying before me I'll drag you back from hell and kill you myself.

!action, not the best big sister in the world huh, !text, watch me crumble inside out, what the fuck?!, !murder game

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