[Potter!Action] It's too early for this... [pretend this happened earlier people! D:]

Oct 17, 2010 23:25

[She really hadn't meant to fall asleep at her desk while trying to work out a reply to Grace's question about Halloween but she had. She hadn't even fully considered how that was going to go...though a trip to Hogmeades sounded like a good idea for the older students.

The sound of the stair case revolving only just gave her enough time to wake and, look a little less like she'd fallen asleep at her desk...again.

An eyebrow rose at the sight of the three students (some how not surprised of which houses they represented) before looking at Atthis and offering her a blood flavoured lolly as she did every time a teacher came into her office (even if they didn't like them). A million and one emotions went through Rory's head as she listened to what had happened before settling on frustration, especially as she was handed the note about the party. "Jones, Peeters," she paused a moment, "150 points." Ignoring their protests she turned to the Slytherin boy, "Zhi," again she paused, though she doubted he would give any sort of acknowledgement, "40 points."

With that said and done, she gestured for the students to leave. Once she was sure they were out of ear shot, she looked at Atthis, "Try and find out who was at this party within your house please." she asked calmly before dismissing her as well.

Waiting for the stair case to revolved back to close, she went to her desk, falling to her seat with a sigh. Giving the note another look over she bit her lip, was she allowing the standards to drop? Shaking the thought out of her head she quickly wrote memos for the other heads of houses, enquiring about any other students involved in Gryffindor's little party and sent them off. For the next twenty or so minutes she just sat there before finally leaving her office.

It didn't take her long to reach Grace's room and, not bothering to wake her up, curled up in the bed beside her.

"I have no bloody clue about Halloween."]

!harry potter, !action, heterosexual life partner = grace, points docked

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