Oct 02, 2004 23:56
I truly don't understand politics but i know that i won't vote for Bush. I guess i don't really understand because all of the politicians are VERY wealthy well i hate to say it white men, and when you are in that demographic (sorry if i am using the wrong words) you tend to only look out for the people like you. Its always been said you have to step on the little people to get to the top, and i think that it is fair that the majority of minorities ( i.e blacks) are voting for Kerry, Bush has not done shit for the black community, or excuse me not just the black community but the people who truly need the help. And i am not talking in terms of welfare but things like Bush requesting no funding for Urban empowerment zones. Places that are trying to make a difference and help the youth, and if certain places can't even get backed by the "Commander in Chief", that is kind of sad.The unemployment rate for african americans has increased by over 10% and that is kind of sad. And i am really not blaming Bush for everything that happens in the black community, but as a black woman i see what a lot of non blacks don't see.
And i think that it is sad when ( this has nothing to do with Bush right now) every time i check my e-mail i hear about some black person robbing someone, shooting someone, or raping someone and that is ridiculous to me. And i hate the white or non black person that puts the stamp on every thuggish looking person and thinks that they are gonna rob or rape them. I know a lot of black people, hell I am black and I don't even think how many people i can count on one hand that i know that would actually rob or rape someone. I love being black and i would not change my race, family, friends, where i live for the world, i just think that a lot of people not just blacks dig very deep holes for themselves that they think that they can get out of and its not that easy. They see this image on tv or hear it on the radio and they think that is "real" life they think that what they see in the movies is how you are supposed to live your life and everyone does it from the little boys who think they are 50 cent to the little girls who think they are Paris Hilton and it bothers me. They see how people dress and act and eat...and feel that that is life. Little boys want to go a rob people now and go to jail and then one day poof magically they will get a record deal, and life does not work like that. But you can't tell people that because then they get mad and think your preaching to them.
I don't know how that came from my politics banter but i feel good, basically what i am saying is that as a black woman i am voting for someone who will support and value the blacks in this country, and i am not saying that Kerry truly cares about the blacks but hopefully he will do a much better job then Bush did.