Nov 29, 2005 10:51
I've been hardcore listening to my dad's old CDs lately. I love them. All the good classic rock songs that I have missed for so long. The fact that my dad's gone is finally setting in and it sucks. I was listening to Paul McCartney's other band, Wings and I was wondering if George Harrison was in that band too and I couldn't find any info in the CD jacket at all saying who was in the band. I swear he is cuz I can hear him in back up vocals and I can distinguish his guitar playing. So I thought, I should ask my dad, he'll know.... Oh yeah... wait, I can't ask him....
Ever since hes been gone, the phone hasn't hardly rung, and if it does, its for Rose and if it is for me, its some asshole telemarketer or credit company wanting me to get a credit card with them. Leave me alone assholes. My dad was the only real person who really called me. I miss talking to him.
Spanksgiving was ok I guess. Rose and I hung out with Dameon and went over to his aunt's house and then we watched the Johnny Cash movie, "Walk The Line". It was really cool. Johnny Cash is hot.
I heard its icy and snowing up north in Portland. I miss that shit. The contstant sun here is pissing me off. Its the same season all fucking year. Its almost December and I'm sweating!! Fuck this!! I wanna be able to wear layers this time of year!!
I want to get that book called "Natural Cures and What 'They' (the FDA) Don't Want You To Know" by Kevin Trudeau