Feb 22, 2005 18:39
So today was like one of the worst days ever. Woke up at 9 to get ready to go to my appointment at the DMV to get my California driver's license and realized I had to find my wallet. Looked in the car all over and it was NOWHERE. So I figured it had fallen out of my back pocket sometime between when we went to dinner with my mom and her bf and when we came home after 9 last night. damn me for not keeping the chain on. Thats why I have the damn thing, so if it falls out or if someone grabs it, I know and it will still be connected to me. But dumbass me cared what my mom and her bf would think about the chain so I didn't wear it. I was like "FUCK!!!"
Called the restaurant where we ate, no one answered, called Rose's therapist to see if it was there in her office, bathroom or parking lot, no answer either. We called the restaurant again and finally a lady answered and we asked her to look for my wallet but she said she wasn't going to because she had things to do. What a bitch. I had 45 minutes until my DMV appointment and I needed to surrender my old Oregon license to get my new one and I was just freaking out. So I left and went to the resaurant and looked in the parking lot. No wallet. The place wasn't open yet, but I banged the fuck out of the door anyways for them to let me in to look and it took them forever to answer the door because they were too busy messing with me and playing chicken. Finally they let me in and I looked around on the floor and where we sat and there was still nothing.
So I decided I should just go to DMV and look for it later at the therapist's or something. Get in my car and turn the key and guess what???? THE BITCH DECIDES NOT TO START!!! Great fucking timing! Now I'm really flipping a bitch. I try and try and nothing. Some guy in the parking lot hooked up the jumper cables and we tried jumping the car, but it didn't work cuz it wasn't a problem with the battery. So it thought "Great, its probably my damn starter and it costs like almost $200 to get the fixed and I don't even know if I have enough money for rent this month. FUCK!"
Rose let me take her cell phone so I was gonna call AAA to come, but then guess what????? THE FUCKING PHONE SERVICE IS OUT!!! That about tops it off and I had a complete breakdown and my appointment was in 30 minutes.
After about almost 10 minutes I packed all my stuff worth anything into my bag to walk home and then decided to try starting it one last time and by miracle it started. So I hurried the fuck out of there and to the DMV and make it just in time looking like shit and still half crying with snot all hanging out of my nose and went to the appointments desk and they were like "Sorry, we're not taking any appointments today because our computer system is down and we can't look at any of the information, so we'll have to reschedule you for tomorrow or thursday". so I thought "Ok so I rushed here for nothing and I'll be driving around with no license at all until I come back. Just my luck I'm gonna get into a wreck or get pulled over without my license and with out of state plates and get sent to jail for a night and get a huge ass ticket". So I had to reschedule for tomorrow and went back to my car and onece again IT WOULDN't START!!! Couldn't call Rose at work cuz I only had 50 cents for a payphone and the number is long distance so it costs a dollar. It took longer for me to get it started this time and I just wanted to go home. So finally I got home and checked the answering maching and Rose called and she said she looked for my wallet at the resaurant where we sat and she found it! Why didn't I see it?! Dumbass me. Well at least I didn't lose it for good.
I figured out that my car wasn't starting because the mircochip in the key that sends a signal to the motor to turn on got damaged when I was all pissed and throwing my keys around. I used the spare key and it works just fine. I'm glad my starter didn't go out.
*big breath*
This who thing has given me a headache that has lasted pretty strong all day... Bleah...