Hopefully the last one of these kind of poems

Apr 28, 2009 01:47

Power Over Me
By Leigh

You will always hold power over me
No matter how much I laugh it off and deny
Every time you pass, look, talk, touch
A part of me stands up, eyes open wide

I'm not sure what it is about you
Other than that whole 'first love' thing
Maybe that's all it is, maybe not
No matter, it's true, unfortunately

'Cause you seem to have missed the memo
Treat others as you'd have them treat you
And every word, every look, every frown
Stabs me in the gut, no lie, I almost puke

I keep trying to hold out that olive branch
Be the better one, and yes, treat you right
And for some reason, you take it in your hand
I sigh relief... then you set it alight

I'm not sure how to be, to be honest
Because in my heart I'm still cheering you on
Yet you tell me, get lost, you are worthless
Not in those words but the message is strong

And I know that you are a good person
And I know you need your own time and space
But I'm a person too, and this treatment
It's like you're taking your boot to my face

For so long I conceded every battle
Gave you your way, out of love and worry
Now it's been how long and yet still
No improvement, no kindness, just hurting

And I'm sorry if you think I'm not caring
It's caring that has gotten me here
But this is absurd, and I just can't take it
I'm finally saying to get over it, dear

I'm done with avoiding your spaces
I'm done with your polite disdain
I'm over your need to control EVERYTHING
And not even being able to complain

I don't know if I will still be here
When you're over this grudge you so cling to
But I'm not going to stop being friendly
I refuse to change who I am because of you


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