Something short with Geddoe after Kyle's fight. Kyle's a sneaky guy.
Kyle: *opens one eye* Hey, Geddoe?
Geddoe: Yes.......?
Kyle: Sorry we can't have the bet.
Kyle: I'm...sorry I let you down.
Geddoe: *blinkblink* Oh, right. Well, I lost as well, so the bet's off either way
Kyle: Well...I just wanted to really fight you because you're so...together and adult. Sometimes I wish I could be like that.
Kyle: But you know? For someone who has it all together, you don't seem happy.
Geddoe: Ah, it's all a facade. I don't have everything together. But you're right. I'm not happy.
Kyle: Why not?
Geddoe: It's complicated.
Kyle: Use small words and explain. *a little smile*
Geddoe: The number of things I've seen, done, and experienced in 118 years adds up. And I'm not a very sunny person by nature. Never have been.
Kyle: So it's just life getting you down?
Geddoe: That's a good way of putting it.
Geddoe: Too much life.
Kyle: Well, first of all, get off your high dragon horse because that happens to everyone once in a while. EVERYONE has a life and it gets everyone down. Second of all...*pauses to readjust his ice pack*....dwelling on it is going to mess you up. Moping doesn't do anything. Do something that makes you happy. Even -you- have to have something that makes you happy.
Geddoe: *blinks at Kyle for a second* I suppose you're right.
Kyle: I suppose you like swordfighting and I guess it'd make you happy to kick the ass of someone already down. *closes one eye* Maybe I'll make it more equal if I fight like this?
Geddoe: *chuckles gruffly* I don't know, do you have to do that when you spar with Georg?
Kyle: I don't have time! And somehow he doesn't ACT like he has a blind spot. Maybe he's just that good. But I'll spar with you once I'm better. We both obviously need the workout since we got kicked out in the first round.
Geddoe: Gladly. We can see what might have been.
Kyle: All right. So, Geddoe, your assignment today is to not mope about life. It might be hard, but concentrate on something else. Introspection is good for the soul and all that rot, but you do it too much and you tip into depression. If it's because of mistakes you made, realize what they are and move on.
Geddoe: *looks a little taken aback* No, no. It isn't mistakes. Well, I'll try. Kind of hard with all the chaos going on around us.
Kyle: Well, let's try solving the chaos first. And then sparring. Then having some drinks. Somewhere along the way, we'll figure it out. *a little smile* Feeling better?
Geddoe: That sounds like a plan.
Kyle: Okay. I have to go back to being me. *writes something on a piece of paper and sets it by his bedside* I'll talk to you more once I'm better, okay?
Geddoe: Hurry up and get better, Kyle. We may need you, soon.
Kyle: *small smile* Sure thing, my friend. *closes eyes*