Dec 14, 2008 23:29
So i doubt anyone keeps up with this journal enough to notice (or care) about this BUT, i'm posting anyway. ;PPPP
The sequel to Coming Clean is DONE! D! O! N! E! It's about twice as long as i wanted, with oh-so-very-little plot, and it could be monthly-nausea but i cannot for the life of me start on the Alec/Dean/Sam i promised. Not right now. I sprained my porn, y'all. Imma curl up with some popcorn and j2bigbang fics and veg for about a week. After i get the soundtrack done. *flaaaaaaaaail*
So. Yeah. Posting on the morrow. Keep your eyes peeled, all you non-existent people out there. ^^
In other news, i heart my padaleckimas icons. *smiiiiiiiiish*
do i really need a real life tag?