A Very Supernatural Sing Along 4/? [NC17] Sam/Dean

Jun 10, 2009 13:34

A white sign with red lettering struggled through the branches of a pine tree supporting Dean’s theory: WDED 66.6 Give a Little, Get a Listen. A red, beat up Toyota pickup with a black bed cap sat snug against the front, like there wasn’t any reason to expect visitors, and the faint strains of whatever song was on the radio struggling through the ( Read more... )

a very supernatural singalong, myfics, spnfics, wincest, supernatural

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Dealing With Winchesters 101 furor_scribiend June 11 2009, 22:21:33 UTC
♪ ♫ It's the most wonderful time of the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! ♫ ♪

Hm, the day is the anniversary of when Sammy rejoined his one true love joined Dean again in hunting? Something involving pie?

XDDDD Sam coming up with an incest conversation in his head, that is just so Sam. All worked out and everything.

And damn was I ever happy to see something eat a faceful of hot lead. I swear, these otherworldly creatures should have a quarterly newsletter entitled, "Dealing With Winchesters 101." For example:

Rule #1 - If a Winchester is hunting you, pray for a miracle. If a miracle fails to appear, bend over, stick your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye.

Rule #2 - Do not fuck around with them. It'll only get you killed faster. Posturing is all well and good, but engaging in emotional/physical torture of one of the Winchester brothers will result in you have a faceful of the other, angry Winchester gunning for you. In some cases, literally.

Rule #3 - Don't even think of going near the car. It may seem like a good idea at the time to, for example, slash the tires or key up the side of the vehicle. But remember, only humans can get away with this. When Dean Winchester finds out that some otherworldly thing hurt his baby, he'll hunt you down and it'll hurt. A lot.

I've been reccing this fic to everyone I talk to in RL who reads Wincest. At work, I keep singing some of the songs and giggling like a hyena. All my co-workers think I've reached new levels of eccentric.


Re: Dealing With Winchesters 101 queenklu June 12 2009, 02:16:34 UTC
Re: Your guesses on what today is--Oooh, pretty! ♪♪♪♪♪♪ XD

And they totally should. And somewhere in that newsletter they should tell people to STOP. STRANGLING. SAM. It obviously hasn't worked so far!

I love your rules! *SMIGGLES THEM* Have you seen Dean's 13 Unlucky Rules of Supernatural Survival? (http://queenklu.livejournal.com/563.html) Your Rule #3 is verra similar to Dean's #12. XD

Oh my god, you know people in RL who read Wincest? I can barely get my friends to watch the show with me! (okay, only sorta true, but they aren't nearly as into it as i am. ^^)


Re: Dealing With Winchesters 101 furor_scribiend June 12 2009, 23:36:06 UTC
XD Personally, I hope it's some combination of the two. Because, I'm with Dean on the issue of pie: IT'S AWESOME!

Re: And somewhere in that newsletter they shoudl tell people to STOP. STRANGLING. SAM:

Rule #4 - DON'T. STRANGLE. SAM. Just don't do it. An angry Dean Winchester is like a smiting angel. With Glocks.

Rule #5 - DON'T. KILL. DEAN. Seriously. He's got a habit of coming back*. He's like Starscream from Transformers. But less with the crazy.

Rule #6 - Even if a Winchester is dead, still look over your shoulder. Case in point: Azazel. John Winchester pulled his ass from the Pit and distracted Azazel. It was long enough for Dean to get the Colt and shoot his yellow-eyed ass. Yeah, if John was that badass when dead, do I need to point out that his sons were trained by him? And that they're still alive**. Enough said.

* - Or, according to the grapevine, gets pulled from perdition by nothing less than a freaking angel. This is not counting the other times he should have died.
** - Again, not counting the times Dean should have died, the bastard.

Yeah, I know! But then again, I also managed to get half my co-workers hooked on Supernatural. When the end of season comes, there's a lot of "Goddamnit, why did you get me hooked? I'm going to go through withdrawal." directed at me.

I'm off to read Dean's 13 Unlucky Rules!


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