Sam and Dean Do Disney Land!

Oct 24, 2013 14:40

HI GUYS I AM BACK! Had a total blast in Disney Land, escorting the boys around.

And we took pictures!

Chilling at the hotel.

I bet you never knew that Sam and Dean's great great grandpa traded his soul for gymnastic abilities (shhhh spoilers!)

this just in: Disney Land is the best at decorating. The BEST.

So Jack Skellington took over the Haunted Mansion while we were there--there was one room with crazed gingerbread cookies and they actually piped in gingerbread scent, holy wow.

Also Tony Stark crashed the party. (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) JARVIS was doing running commentary the whole time too, it was AWESOME.

So the boys heard there was something hinky going on in the Hollywood Tower Hotel and decided to check it out:

(No, dean does not need Sam to hold his hand, he's FINE it's just creepy as fuck in here okay.)

Also did I mention that I really like puns.


Look at the water jets!! Not a tiny graveyard as we first suspected!

And now they're doing stuff! (From the view of the ferris wheel)

Sam, as you can tell, was utterly smitten by Snow White. Dean was more interested in trying to hunt this wicked witch queen he'd heard was lurking around.)

And yes, this is Belle, with tiny plushie Cthulu. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.

So there was one tiny hiccup on the trip--Summersaysso's service dog Murry got ahold of Dean (totally my fault, I didn't put him up high) and Dean, in battling this fearsome beastie, lost his bangs.

I had to send this picture to tombolguid as proof of life:

This is the beastie in question, meeting Cruella (don't worry, we kept a close eye on him so she didn't try to turn him into a purse)

In other news, THE FOOD WAS AMAZING.

So were the views--though the castle is TINY. Forced perspective, who knew.

The boys also really liked the train.

And the Hollywood Tower so much that they hunted there again! (this is Dean posing while Sam takes the pic, obviously)

All in all, a wonderful time was had by all. Even by Jafar, with possibly the worst dating site blurb in the world:

"Amazing collection of lamps," indeed.

Waugh it was a lot of fun, despite a couple minor hiccups. I kind of want to drag writing club to Scotland with me for our next trip, muehehehh.

picspam, do i really need a real life tag?, disneyland!!!

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