Did you know it's called "Iceland" because it's how the old Norse pronounced "Island"

Aug 13, 2013 17:42

I can't believe how long I've put this off. Every single time there's a big gap between posting I keep thinking--nah I'll just wait until I have something to Actually Say, and inevitably as soon as I open the post entry tab I have FAR TOO MUCH to say and I put it off some more. *facepalm mcfacepalm*


I C E L A N D )

iceland, help me obi-flist kenobi, picspam, love is all you need, seriously i fucking love you, do i really need a real life tag?

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Comments 9

animeserena August 14 2013, 04:19:44 UTC
My friend (who is a sex worker) says never to use KY. It's a shit product with a lot of advertisement. I used the warming lube once, didn't do shit. Also don't use a silicon based lube with a silicon based product, the friction deteriorates the toy. Water based lubes are safest.


queenklu August 14 2013, 06:17:47 UTC
Ahh THANK YOU! I feel so dumb about this--the lady at the store was really nice and would've totally answered my questions, but I was so flustered by that point I just bought the thing and ran. *facepalm*


animeserena August 14 2013, 07:51:01 UTC
Now, you said you new toy is twice as big as you usually use? You're going to have to work your way open slowly, and it's always better to use too much lube than not enough. If you can do so safely, try using your old toy first, then when you're nice and relaxed, use the new one. Here's a page that has some more info (ignore the fisting stuff): http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/blog/2009/11/15/fist-dildo-large-filled-stretched/


queenklu August 14 2013, 21:59:57 UTC
Did all this last night, worked like a charm! It's not totally massive--i think part of it was just mental, comparing it to the last one and going ahahahaaa...great life choices. Thank you so much!


efgahcd August 15 2013, 18:52:02 UTC
Now I feel like apologising on behalf of all of Scandinavia (I'm Danish). Not about the dildo, about that other thing. The vast majority of us are very sorry to hear that we made you sad and uncomfortable. That does not at all mean we weren't the ones to make you feel that way - it might very well have been us. And it's so strange to think of it as rudeness when it's actually some sort of politeness (obviously I can't know excactly which situations you were in, but I'm guessing things along the lines of: Nobody talked to you on the bus; when asking for directions, you only got directions and no additional questions about your trip; when standing in line you were completely ignored by the person standing next to you; stuff like that?). Being very talkative and what you'd probably call 'open and hospitable' would generally be considered sort of rude and too in-your-face. We're all about letting you have your private sphere, even in public, and about not taking any more of your time than absolutely necessary. Scandinavians who go to the ( ... )


queenklu August 15 2013, 22:29:50 UTC
AAAA NO, SERIOUSLY, THERE'S NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR! Cultural things are cultural things, they're totally fine! I was just worried that it was something WE were doing, like if we'd gone to India and walked around chowing down on beef jerky, being oblivious assholes. The private space and ignoring us in public were absolutely fine (and well within our OWN cultural comfort level)--it was more the not-smiling aspect that threw us for a loop, and the short answers sometimes felt like we were doing something wrong by asking.

But again, TOTALLY just a matter of understanding it as a cultural thing. We had a great time, and the people we did get to chat with (our jeep guide, the actress at the living history museum, etc) were WONDERFUL. I would looooove to go to Denmark and have tea with you! Just need to save up money! :DD


dodger_sister August 19 2013, 20:32:16 UTC
I'm glad you had such a good trip - cultural differences aside and all!! I thought it was so weird you were like, "Convinced my family to go to Iceland" because I'ver never thought of that as a place to visit. But now...I kind of want to go too!! I love all the brightly colored houses and rooftops in the second picture - it's so cute! And the volcano-turned-lake is stunning! But I think your Flist needs more pictures of the penises. We Want Penises!!

Ion, while you were away - my ficiton tag featuring Christian/Steve and Danny/Stiles. For your enjoyment.



queenklu August 31 2013, 03:40:07 UTC
AUGH bb I could punch myself in the face right now, I can't believe I haven't responded to your comments until now! rghugrgh I don't know how this happeneddd

I can't WAIT to read your fics. And Iceland was really awesome, especially if you like nature, and a trump card on any of your other traveling friends. It's still kind of a baby country when it comes to tourism though, maybe postpone a few years to let them get it figured out? (Though our tour company was ace, highly rec Nordic Visitor, A+++)


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