so pinch me

May 29, 2013 14:19

YESTERDAY oh god yesterday I was kind of alternating between hyperventilating and clinging to writing club (and then, like, doing both simultaneously) because I GOT A PARTIAL OFFER ON MY BOOK???

????? pretty much sums up my ability to deal with this emotionally. And, like, Cas's face in the icon. That's me. Right now.

(It's sort of shifting between that icon and Troy's-face-when-he-meets-LeVar-Burton-on-Community.)

Uh so Friday there was a one-sentence query contest--basically you pitch your novel in one sentence and if they like it they ask for the first fifty pages. AND? THEY LIKED MINE?? AND TWO OTHERS?? Even though there was supposed to be only one winner I guess I have no idea what that means fucks sake breathing what are you doing stop that


ALSO. Because it was a tumblr-based contest they wanted my tumblr name. So I very quickly reblogged a bunch of non-fannish things and...hoped for the best. Still hoping, i guess (though for what, I have no idea). The other two winners MADE FAKE TUMBLRS like, BLATANTLY FAKE tumblrs and I'm torn between being annoyed that I didn't go with that approach and being annoyed that they so obviously chickened out. (On the one hand, because this is tumblr-based the agency can't really be surprised at fannish content, right? Also they reblog harry potter stuff, so. On the other hand I really don't begrudge anyone wanting to keep their fannish and real lives separate and as this leans PERILOUSLY close to my own comfort level I don't blame them for making fake blogs. (Maybe I'm annoyed that they suck at making a fake tumblr? The agency probably isn't dumb.))

I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW THE PROPER EMOTIONAL RESPONSE TO ANY OF THIS, OBVIOUSLY. How high should I let my hopes get? Not very? How long do I need to live in a limbo of yay and nay? (B from writing club says it can take anywhere up to six months. SIX MONTHS. The actual agency did not give a timeline.)*

I mean, they might hate the first 50 pages. They might like the first 50 pages and hate the rest of the book. They might, they might, they might aljsdlfdksf

So yeah. YEAH. I put off telling you about this because after the adrenaline crash I was next to useless and I was hoping I'd have a better handle on what I'm feeling today but uhhhhhh

*I don't actually expect you to know the answers to these bbs i am just not so quietly freaking out aaaaaaaa

do i really need a real life tag?, freaking the fuck out, writing: i does it

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