tombolguid and I drove up to Hatcher Pass, then hiked to the mining buildings there even though it was snowing so hard we could barely see the trail in front of us--one time we almost walked OFF the trail, which we discovered when we started sinking in unpacked snow up to our knees (it would have gotten deeper if we'd kept going; wandering around the buildings it got thigh-high).
This is a tree full of shoes. I...have no idea. Someone thought it was a good idea and several other people thought they were in on the joke. Idk.
Man I love sassy cork boards XD
So yeah, on our way up, this was about the best visibility we got. HELLO TINY FLOATING SKIERS
And this is the worst visibility. Can you see the mountain? And the stick marking the edge of the trail before it plummets down a cliff?
You can actually see the snow falling. Good job camera.
So back in the gold rush days there was a mine way up in the mountains. All of these buildings have been restored, but the mine itself hasn't--I have pictures of that down the line.
We're obviously really good at signs.
Once we got up there the snow slowly stopped, but it was still pretty cloudy. Clearer view of the mountains!
If you look veeeery closely you can see the layers of snow on that roof.
Here's the mine. You can see how a lot of buildings have collapsed under the weight of the snow. That first one especially, since it no longer has a roof.
See look now it's brightening up! Which is when my camera started dying.
Yes mountain you are very dramatic, A+
So yeah! Don't you feel toasty warm wherever you are?