oooo...interesting new posting format page oookay!

Nov 30, 2012 16:57

Trying to write. TRYING REALLY HARD TO WRITE. It's insane the amount of free time I have and my complete inability to do anything productive. I've been trying to ignore the problem because thinking about it is depressing, but that also means I'm not working on a way to fix it.

I know people do things like set word goals for themselves and sometimes that helps--I thought that's what this year's nano would be for me but i've been slacking off so badly this last week I actually want to punch myself in the face. Sometimes in the editing process I get to a point where the words I've written are so awful I can't even focus on them to fix them, and then i skitter off to tumblr and forget what I'm doing.

Do you guys have tips? Maybe site-blocking programs that you use, since tumblr is such a distraction for me?

I have the spn_j2_xmas fic to finish before the 25th too...

help me obi-flist kenobi, ugh & damn

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