"who's that guy...made out of metal..." "The TIN MAN?"

Nov 01, 2012 18:30

Heyo~ I meant to get up pics of the Halloween party earlier today but this cold I have is kicking my ass, and so far all I've managed is to spend most of the day watching The Lizzie Bennet Diaries--great rec imaginarycircus!! I'm really loving everything, especially the little role-playing parts and the snark and the actors are all SO FABULOUS! I want a Fitz clone for my pocket! AND A BING!

But anyhoo, here there be pics!

The party was fun, but the girl who had my dress didn't show up until close to 10:30, so I only got to wear my costume for roughly 2 hours :(( BUT LOOK, ISN'T IT PRETTY?

I promise it looks greener in real life! Also that bow fires for shit and that's the only reason I am not at Merida-levels of bowery. *nod*

There's my butterbeer cupcakes and some blood-red cupcakes made by another member of writing club! (Also, drinking (non-alcoholically) in that mask was HELLA DIFFICULT thanks to the nose-bit)

A third member of writing club owns/manages an Inn--SHE SET ALL THIS UP! LOOK HOW PRETTY!!

There were only six of us, but damn we dined in style!

(Obviously) ;DD

Blugh cold. And it's the first day of nano and i've barely touched my draft. SIGH.

look i just rec things, holidays: wtf, picspam, do i really need a real life tag?

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