Okay so. Today I am joining a gym.

Sep 30, 2012 16:15

Making a face at myself as i write it. Then making a face at myself for making a face at myself.

I've been overweight basically my whole life, from like age ten. And augh no one cares about issues with weight loss, and it's a sunday posting this so who knows if anyone will even read this. Doesn't matter. Thing is, I've never really felt bad about how much I weigh. It's just a fact. It's not who I am. And I know people who assume certain things about me because of how I look, but I don't really give a shit about those people, so...it works out. I am my own shallowness detector. Woooo.

None of that has changed. Or will change. I am not losing weight because I hate myself, or because I want to conform to societal expectations. I am losing weight because I feel like it. I feel secure in myself enough that I don't have to hide behind my size, which creates a natural buffer between dickheads and not dickheads. I can change if I want to. I can also NOT change if I want to. It's entirely up to me.

So. Yeah. Just putting this on the internet as a sort of "Be Strong" for myself, but also in case any of you need to hear it. You are awesome in the brain-space. And that's what counts.

do i really need a real life tag?

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