Title: Mo Tràill, Mo Cridhe
queenkluBeta by:
tombolguidRating: NC17
Pairing: Esca/Marcus
Word Count: 3.6k
A/n: Found half of this in an old school journal, but recent events inspired me to finish it! As i continue on my recent trend of writing fics for inactive fandoms... I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! :D
Summary: If Marcus wants to be owned, then Esca would gladly
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Rhetorical question: Why is it that the stuff you find just hanging about 'in an old school journal' is ten times better than half the fic posted on teh interwebs?
All I have in my old school notebooks is a bunch of copied song lyrics and a thousand tattoo-style doodles. *wishes for the thousandth time for writing or art skills to trade for fic instead of just awe, squee and gratitude*
I tried looking for pics/comic scans for use in cajoling someone (you) into writing the Steve/Tony, Rhodey and Bucky join the military fic, but then Tumblr sucked all my time away when I wasn't paying attention (to the time, obv) - I now need a fic where the Doctor investigates those behind Tumblr's creation and discovers a secret race that lives by draining away all the hours (and hours) of time spent by those who Tumbl unawares. Or maybe Tumblr is a giant time-vampire entity that exists ethereally in the wifi : beware, gifs and cat macros only help to feed the beast!
Oops, I got my weird on your comment page - sorry about that *sheepish grin*
BUT I'M REALLY GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT! THANK YOU SO MUCH! (And I really hope someone does write that fic, so let me know if someone jumps on it!)
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