dead bodiiiiiies aren't much fun (trala)

Aug 30, 2012 13:58

This year at the fair they have a dead bodies exhibit. And. Some of it was interesting? For instance, I have no idea why but the brain looked a lot smaller than I expected. And the lungs looked larger. The entire room smelled--despite ALL THEIR SIGNS explaining the smell to be fresh paint, I know what paint smells like and what formaldehyde smells like and this was the latter plus also dead bodies--so to compensate the gruesome they blasted loud "soothing" ocean music. ...yay.

Mostly, though, I have never seen so many penises in one room before. Dry. Shriveled. Corpse penises. At least a dozen of them.

...I have never been less attracted to men after that. And since I've never been attracted to women, this leaves me kind of shit out of luck.

Near the end, though, this happened, which almost cheered me up:

Friend: Hey, hey, what's that body part? It isn't labeled. This sucks, [klu], what is it?

Me: Oh I'm pretty sure that's called an I'M AN ENGLISH MAJOR

And then we went and got dinner.

ugh & damn, alaska: we're cool, do i really need a real life tag?

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