...trying not to be surprised that my renner tag is "jeremy renner's ass"

Aug 16, 2012 16:19

Saw Bourne 4 last night, no real spoilers but it was...decent. Idk, pretty much what you'd expect from a Bourne movie--shadowy government stuff, vague science, and a car-chase scene! Lol no really, it was good enough to see, I especially loved everything about Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz, their chemestry was amazing and i really love their faces *SMOOSHES THEM*

Aaaand I'm going camping this weekend! Annual family + friends camping extravaganza, where we bring all the things and all the food and couple probably survive a month out in the wilderness instead of, uh, three days. We've brought ice cream before. Usually someone makes blueberry cobbler. It'll be awesome.

So I'll try to leave you guys a reclist while I'm gone! :DD

But just one thing, has everyone seen this?

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jeremy renner's ass, look i just rec things, alaska: we're cool, suits, do i really need a real life tag?

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